Why Build a Tiny Home

Up until this point I have given you a snip its on the construction and tangible part of my journey.  Today seems to be a proper time to give you an idea behind the thought process and mental aspect of building my Tiny Home.  It is with a heavy heart I write this.

Going beyond the standard reasons of downsizing such as financial, simpler lifestyle, energy efficient, green, less of a global footprint and the list rolls on.  I wanted to build this for me.  Before my tiny home I spent most of my time after college renting different apartments wherever I was working.  This led me to living with neighbors in city/residential settings which I am not accustom to.   The noise of neighbors, the low air quality and no privacy always gave me anxiety.  My apartments were always lightly furnished and sometimes included an air mattress for a bed.  This wasn’t because I could not afford a bed or pay for cable but the amount of time I spent in my apartment was minimal and could not rationalize the cost.  I would live to work in Syracuse, NY during the week so I could retreat to my rural settings on the weekend.  To avoid going to my apartment until I was ready for sleep, I would just stay at work late and get up early to come in.  During the week I lived to work, instead of working to live.  Luckily, I thoroughly enjoy my job and could not be working for a more exciting company than BlueRock Energy.   I just did not have a true “home”.

So why not just buy a house?

I have gone back and forth thousands of times on buying a house.  About a year ago I had the sale of a house fall through after years of looking.  It was everything I would have wanted for a reasonable price, but it was just not meant to be.  Since then I have thought, with just me, I can live in something simply and be happy.  I do not need a mortgage, taxes, upkeep, repair, and as all you home owners know the constant marriage you form with your house.  Not knowing where exactly I wanted to live, why constrain myself?  Also my girlfriend lives in North Carolina, and picking a house on my own, without her oversight,  would certainly not suffice if she decides to move back to NY!  In the end a house ties you down, geographically and financially that I am not ready for either at this stage in my life.

Reflecting on my situation a Tiny House (TH) was almost a logical alternative for a temporary means of living.  Couple the above reasons with the fact that life is too short to not seize everyday.  I have always wanted to reside at my family camp on the lake.  I thought this might be my last opportunity to do so with life starting to move so fast.  Why continue to live somewhere I am not happy?


Sunset July 6th 2016 at Hinckley Reservoir

Life is too short to not live it to the fullest.  My Aunt Dana battled cancer for the last 15 months since diagnosed.  Receiving care at the Philadelphia Cancer Center of America where they could not provide a solution for the strain of cancer that she had, and underwent chemo for the majority of the time she was diagnosed.  Along with endless trips, sleepless nights, excruciating pain, not being able to eat solid food and the list goes on.  She was blessed with a new granddaughter 3 weeks ago, and her youngest daughter graduating college this spring.  She was a mother, wife, grandmother, aunt (not just an aunt, but the cool aunt), friend to hundreds, inspiration to thousands, and loved by all who were privileged to meet her.  With a heart of gold until the end, she never complained, she never asked “why me?”, she fought with vigor and always put others first.  As her sister spent the night to provide care to Dana, Dana awoke and saw her sleeping and thought she looked cold, so with the little strength she had, she used it to get up to get a blanket to cover her little sister to keep her warm.  I could write for days on the Strength and Beauty she illustrated inside and out.  Sunday is often a day spent at Nana and Papas with the whole family.  It was fitting that she was able to live one more Sunday in their house as she took her final breath around 8:50 last evening with her family by her side to be raised up on angels wings to watch over us for eternity.

I tell this story because she was part of the reason that drove me to build my Tiny Home.  Live each day to the fullest, enjoy our time here on this earth with one another.  With the turmoil, world and nation wide, it is important to keep in mind life is precious, and beautiful, yet short. She made me realize that, and I felt I should share a part of her story so you might be able to relate to my journey and honor the woman who made this world a better place.


Fitting first beer on the bar in the TH in Honor of my Aunt Dana

Thanks again for following along on my #tinyhomeadventure.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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