Finishing Touches and Maiden Voyage

Amazing how fast our summers race by in the Northeast.  I have been trying to enjoy everyday as much as possible as daylight is dwindling each day.  No matter how much of a priority you place on something life gets in the way, and it is that adversity, and how we overcome it, who we are.  … More Finishing Touches and Maiden Voyage

Elevator Bed

One major aspect of a Tiny Home is the innovation and ideas that go into the home.  Reading and looking at different homes I am surprised more do not use a bed the is out of the way by day and usable when you are ready for sleep.  There are thousands of ideas out there … More Elevator Bed

Kitchen and Trim

I would be remiss if I didn’t give a heartfelt thank you to all who reached out and followed, liked, and commented on my last post.  It was simply amazing and uplifting during such a difficult time.   Toward the end of May I was able to start focusing on some finish work from trimming out all … More Kitchen and Trim

How it All Began

Every story has to have a beginning, right?  Well owning a Tiny House never really crossed my mind, this is something that more or less was simply happenstance. Two years ago: before the Tiny House movement had TV shows, endless blogs, PR, and a cult like following, my friend Joe C. began construction on his idea.  … More How it All Began